DePauw University Anderson Street Streetscape
Civil Engineering
DePauw University, located in the City of Greencastle known as “The Greatest College Town”, partnered with the City to transform the entrance to their campus through the Stellar Grant program awarded through the State’s partnership of INDOT, IHCDA, and OCRA. The Stellar Grant looked to transform the City of Greencastle and connect the downtown area to DePauw University. As part of this, Anderson Street was transformed from a closed in street with overgrown trees, overhead power lines, crumbling sidewalks, off street parking, and one way away from campus to a tree lined street that emphasized the pedestrian corridor, enhanced the historic district, and signaled the entrance to DePauw University by way of a brick monument gateway at the intersection with the state highway, Bloomington Street.
Cripe took DePauw University’s vision and transformed it into reality while working within the guidelines of the funding sources, pulling the entire stakeholder team together to compress a two-year design schedule into six months.
Project Location
“This was the most transformative project on any campus that I have ever seen.” -Former President Brian Casey, DePauw University